Over 350 C-level executives from West African Governments, Oil and Gas companies, investors and top service companies will meet with ONHYM in Marrakech to discuss the Nigeria-Morocco pipeline, E&P opportunities in Morocco, and how to get involved in one of the world’s top future energy hubs.
The Energy Circle by IN-VR is pleased to announce the 3rd Morocco Oil & Gas Summit and Exhibition 2023 hosted in Savoy Le Grand Hotel, Marrakech, on the 24th-26th of October, 2023, fully endorsed by ONHYM. The event’s programme will focus on the country’s and the region’s holistic hydrocarbons sector, from onshore discoveries to its vast offshore E&P potential, midstream and infrastructure plans.

After two Sold-out editions, Morocco’s official Oil & Gas Summit returns for its 3rd edition to focus on opportunities, developments and projects in Morocco and West Africa, with access to 1:1 meetings with ONHYM, African Ministries and Moroccan decision-makers involved in one of the most powerful and promising energy hubs in the region.
With the Nigeria-Morocco pipeline being among Africa’s most-anticipated projects, ONHYM will be welcoming an important number of African Ministries and NOCs for the Africa Regional Cooperation Roundtable, while hosting a series of networking events throughout two full days with the presence of the country’s Project Owners, such as Chariot Energy Group.
Participants will be available to meet during dedicated 1:1 meetings with ONHYM and the country’s biggest Project owners, as the event has been tailored to host two full days of non-stop networking for E&P leaders to meet with Moroccan and African players in Marrakech.
The 3rd Morocco Summit is expected to be the most networking-intensive event of the year, bringing under one roof ONHYM and African Energy leaders for the African Regional Cooperation Roundtable and the stage to meet operators and service companies.
The Summit is open for registrations offering a full range of networking activities and exclusive content, in addition to the myriad of networking opportunities – including drinks receptions, networking breakfasts, coffee breaks and roundtable dialogues, high-level drinks receptions, and VIP private cocktails.