Nigeria: continued crude theft and workers’ strike bring production to new low

Nigeria produced 37.35 million barrels of crude oil and condensate in April this year, loosing 10 million barrels from its March production levels, according to data from NUPRC.

This brought the country’s average daily oil production below the 1 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) threshold, in a country where production capacity stands at over 2 million bopd.

Africa’s largest oil producer continues to be hit hard by severe crude theft from onshore assets. These used to represent almost 40% of production before COVID-19, but their share of output fell to only a fourth of the country’s daily oil and condensates volumes last year.  

Despite intense efforts from authorities to curb crude theft, results have been limited. “From March 2022 to March 2023, we removed 460 illegal connections on the Trans-Niger Pipeline so we could lift force majeure from our Bonny Terminal,” said Osagie Okunbor, Chairman of the Shell Companies in Nigeria, at the recently concluded Nigeria Energy Summit in Abuja. “However, we are now struggling to catch up our repair programs vis-à-vis new attempts to steal crude oil,” he confessed.

So far, Shell’s Bonny Terminal has been able to export only between 2 and 3 million barrels per month in 2023, against traditional monthly volumes of 6 to 8 millions three years ago.

But the biggest blow to the country’s production came from a wide strike organized by ExxonMobil workers in April 2023, forcing the American major to declare a Force Majeur at its four terminals in Nigeria.

Data from NUPRC shows a loss of 4.6 million barrels at the ExxonMobil terminals between March and April 2023, including at Qua Iboe (-2.3 million barrels), Erha FPSO (-1.3 million barrels), Usan FPSO (-480,000 barrels) and Yoho FSO (-473,000 barrels).

ExxonMobil was only able to resume normal operations at the end of April after successful negotiations with the workers.

In its most recent report on Nigeria’s upstream industry, Hawilti forecasted a total production of some 1.57 million barrels per day in 2023. The forecast remains heavily dependent on a recovery of onshore volumes by implementing crude theft mitigation measures.

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Opinion: Nigeria’s industry is rising to the twin challenge of decarbonisation and energy security

by Wale Yusuff, Managing Director of Wärtsilä in Nigeria Wale Yusuff, the Managing Director of Wärtsilä in Nigeria, explains how businesses operating in energy-intensive industries like cement or steel are investing in flexible engine technologies to secure reliable and efficient power while also setting the perfect stage to make good on their decarbonisation objectives. Nigeria is a major industrial hub. It is home to energy-intensive manufacturing businesses whose operations, and growth potential, are constrained by the weakness of the country’s electricity supply. To mitigate this, industrial companies have been building their own power generation capabilities, but the result has often been the reliance on expensive and polluting diesel generators. As such, the industrial sector represents one of the country’s largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In most places in Africa, the development of renewable energy capacity is a very competitive solution that industrials can adopt to lower their environmental impact and energy costs. But things aren’t as clear-cut in Nigeria. Most of its industrial activity is in the south, a region where wind and solar resources are often not available in the right quantity to make renewables competitive at today’s equipment prices. It leaves industrials with a twin challenge to meet. First and foremost, they need to secure their own reliable and affordable power capacity either by buying electricity from an independent power producer or by building their own “captive” plant. Second, they need to integrate decarbonisation in their overall energy strategy. Both objectives are not contradictory. By making smart technology choices, forward looking businesses like BUA Cement, African Foundries, Lafarge, Wempco, Nestle and Flour Mills have found a way to hit these two birds with one stone. Here is how. Securing a reliable supply of electricity Mitigating power generation risk is critical to Nigeria’s industrial growth. As one of the world’s largest producers of liquified natural gas (LNG), Nigeria has a strong interest to develop its utilization to power local industries. That’s why flexible engine power plants have emerged as the technology of choice for Nigeria’s industries. Fuel-flexible engine technology provides a great hedge against fuel supply risk as it can operate on multiple types of fuels, from gas to heavy or light fuel oil, and switch between fuels while operating. This fuel-flexibility is also a key enabler to the decarbonisation strategy of industrials, as engine power plants can be converted to run on sustainable fuels like biofuels and green hydrogen, ammonia, or methanol, when these become available. Thanks to their modular design, Wärtsilä engine power plants are easy to construct, fully scalable and can be deployed in phases. They have the flexibility to be ramped-up or down quickly to adjust to demand, they have a high operating efficiency even at partial load and are designed to cope with regular stops and starts. This very high operating flexibility is also what is needed for the future integration of intermittent renewable energy capacity to the power mix. What is more, they require much less water to function than competing power technologies, which is an important water conservation consideration in view of Nigeria’s long dry seasons.  With all these attributes, flexible engine power plants offer a cost-effective solution to meet energy demand in the short term, and environmental objectives in the longer term. BUA Cement PLC, one of Nigeria’s largest cement producers, is one example of an energy intensive industrial company which has invested to secure its own flexible and reliable power supply and decrease its carbon footprint. As the demand for cement is increasing every year, BUA has taken advantage of the modularity of engine technology to increase its power capacity in stages. The company is currently installing a 70 MW power plant for the line 4 in its Sokoto cement plant, NW Nigeria. This is in addition to a 50 MW power plant commissioned two years earlier for the line 3 of the same cement plant. Future expansion plans include another 70MW for its OBU line 3 cement plant in Edo State SW by the end of 2023. The plants feature Wärtsilä 34 DF dual-fuel engines operating primarily with LNG and PNG, but with the flexibility to switch to an alternative fuel should there be interruptions to the gas supply, quality, or pressure. What is more, the operational flexibility of the Wärtsilä engines provides future-proofing advantages by enabling the potential integration of renewable energy further down the line. Paving the way for renewables Nigeria’s long term energy strategy has defined the rapid deployment of renewables and strengthening the power transmission network as key objectives. But it must also overcome the specific challenges of the tropical monsoon climate in the industrialized south of the country where the solar and wind potential is respectively 30% and 40% lower than in the hot and semi-arid conditions in the north. By investing in gas engine power plants, energy-intensive industries will not only decrease their carbon footprint, but they will also free up resources for the government to expand the transmission network enabling the entire country to benefit from the natural gas reserves located in the south and renewable resources in the north. Paras Energy sets an example of how this can work. Since installing a 132 MW Wärtsilä gas engine power plant in Ikorodu in Lagos State and Ogijo in Ogun State, Paras Energy is supplying the company’s steel production needs as well as providing power to the Nigerian grid to support over 20,000 homes annually. The company is now commissioning a 10 MW solar power plant in Suleja and a 5 MW solar rooftop system for commercial and industrial customers is under development.  Flexible engine power plants represent a smart and future-proof investment for Nigeria’s energy intensive industries. They offer the efficient power capabilities needed to offset the shortcomings of the national power grid, strengthen their global competitiveness, and reduce their GHG emissions today and tomorrow. By working towards the country’s decarbonization targets, the smart energy investments made by industry will benefit the whole country. 

Congo’s national oil company officially launches ‘Performance 2025’

Congo’s national oil company SNPC organized a gala dinner to celebrate its 25th anniversary and launch its ambitious “Performance 2025” program. The event took place at the Grand Hotel of Kintélé in early May and brought together more than 1,000 people, including SNPC agents, partners, friends and members of the government and Congolese institutions. The highlight of the evening was the launch of the “Performance 2025” program of the SNPC. Presented by the Director General of the company, Mr. Maixent Raoul Ominga, this project is based on four pillars: increasing income, controlling and optimizing costs, supporting and contributing to the government agenda, and ensuring better governance of the company’s activities. More generally, Performance 2025 aims at positioning the SNPC as a undisputed leader of the Congolese and African oil industry in the years to come. The Director General clarified that the project seeks to improve the competitiveness of SNPC, emphasizing productivity, quality and operational efficiency. A highlight of the evening was the delivery of the SNPC book to the Director General by a tribe who presented a choreography and traditional songs. The SNPC book presents the history of hydrocarbons in the Republic of Congo since 1957 and that of the company 25 years ago. It was presented by the Director General to Mr. Bruno Jean Richard Itoua, Minister of Hydrocarbons. “For the SNPC, this historic moment is an opportunity to take a retrospective look on the road traveled and to have a prospective look at its future,” Maixent Raoul Ominga said during his speech. “It is by associating all the intelligences, energies, know-how and by getting out of our comfort zones that our company will certainly be at the rendez-vous of its ambitions, through its ‘Performance 2025’ program.”