Invictus Energy confirms working hydrocarbons system onshore Zimbabwe

Invictus Energy has reported fluorescence end elevated gas shows of up to 65 times above background levels in the Upper Angwa primary target of its Mukuy-1 well onshore Zimbabwe. The well is yet to reach total depth and has confimed a working conventional hydrocarbon system in the Cabora Bassin.

“We still have several hundred metres of drilling through our primary targets with additional potential, which will be followed by a comprehensive wireline logging programme to evaluate results, with the aim of confirming the presence of moveable hydrocarbons in multiple zones,” said Scott Mcmillan, Managing Director of Invictus Energy.

The company and its drilling contractor, EXALO Drilling, have encountered a few technical issues during the campaign that have slowed down drilling progress. However, a recent changeout of the downhole drilling motor has allowed operations to continue and the Exalo 202 Rig will now recommence drilling through the primary targets.

What’s at Stake at Cabora Bassa?

Thought to potentially be the largest undrilled structure onshore Africa, the Mukuyu pospect is subject to intense scrutiny for its potential to transform Zimbabwe’s energy landscape.

The prospect is being drilled amidst favourable market conditions and a growing appetite for gas in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. The Mukuyu Prospect alone is estimated to contain 20 Tcf of gas and 845 million barrels of conventional gas / condensate (gross mean unrisked) across 5 horizons.

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Mozambique’s Coral Sul FLNG project has delivered its first cargo

Eni has announced the departure of the first LNG cargo from its Coral Sul floating LNG facility offshore Mozambique on November 13th. The Italian major is operator of the project with partners ExxonMobil, CNPC, Galp Energia, KOGAS, and national oil company ENH. The project has come on stream in line with its initial budget and schedule, despite several constraints generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Coral Sul FLNG unit has a capacity of 3.4 million tons per annum and is Mozambique’s first gas export project. Under an agreement signed with bp in October 2016, the British major will be the sole off-taker for the entire volumes of LNG produced by the Coral South project for a period of over twenty years. Eni revealed earlier this year that it was considering a second floating unit in the country in response of Europe’s needs to replace gas imports from Russia.

ReconAfrica’s Namibian wildcat: geological success but commercial failure

Reconnaissance Energy Africa has announced that’s its first wildcat onshore Zimbabwe, the Makandina 8-2 well, has been a geological success but failed to show commercial quantities of hydrocarbons. The well reached total depth in mid-August and confirmed the presence of a working petroleum system by encountering intervals rich with methane and hydrocarbon gas liquids such as ethane, butane, and propane. “Although geologically a successful well, economic accumulations of hydrocarbons were not encountered,” ReconAfrica said in a statement. The company is now proceeding with its plans for the second well, Wisdom 5-1, whose spudding is expected in mid-December. It is also extended its 2D seismic acquisition programme with an additional 1,500 linear km approved to be acquired between November 2022 and April 2023.