Country: Mali

Mali: official inauguration of the 140 MW Gouina hydropower plant
Mali, Guinea, Mauritania and Senegal celebrated over the weekend the inauguration of the 140 MW Gouina hydropower plant, whose units were commissioned earlier this year. The facility was built as part of a multi-project plan involving the construction of several hydroelectric stations along the Senegal River, where the hydroelectric potential is estimated at 1,200 MW. The project is owned and managed by the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS), which received a loan of $ 110 million from the International Development Association of the World Bank several years ago for this integrated management programme for the region’s water resources. The Gouina plant is the third hydropower project of this type to be commissioned by the OMVS after the 205 MW Manantali plant in 2002 and the 60 MW Félou plant in 2013.
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